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Leverage Opportunities:
Access The Ultimate Guide to Paid Volunteer Time Off

In today's dynamic nonprofit landscape, effectively leveraging volunteer time off (VTO) programs is crucial for advancing your mission and expanding your reach. Our comprehensive guide, "Harnessing the Power of Volunteer Time Off," is tailored specifically for fundraisers looking to tap into the wealth of volunteer opportunities provided by corporate VTO programs. This resource is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate and maximize these opportunities for the benefit of your organization.

The guide delves into the fundamentals of VTO programs, detailing how they operate within different companies and how they can be integrated into your existing volunteer engagement strategies. With a focus on actionable insights, the guide offers step-by-step advice on how to establish partnerships with businesses that offer VTO, ensuring that you can connect with a network of motivated corporate volunteers eager to support your cause. From initiating contact with corporate CSR teams to setting up impactful volunteer projects that align with corporate policies, this resource covers all bases.

 Whether you are looking to start a new volunteer program or enhance an existing one, this guide is an invaluable asset for any fundraiser aiming to propel their mission forward through the strategic use of VTO.



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Why access The Ultimate Guide to Volunteer Time Off?

  • Learn how volunteer time off can help grow volunteerism to propel your mission forward.

  • Discover tips and tricks to grow volunteer time off opportunities, helping to fuel your organization.

  • Access industry insights around volunteer time off programs, helping you to understand how companies offer these programs - and the benefits of leveraging them.

What your peers are saying:

Grow volunteerism and fuel your mission

"This resource not only highlights key components of volunteer time off programs, but it also provides practical tip sand strategies to boost your volunteer efforts. Every fundraiser should have this guide in their toolkit."


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